Utilizing epigenetics to measure sperm function.

Of those with an Abnormal SpermQT result, 82.5% have normal semen parameters.¹

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Published in Fertility & Sterility Science

SpermQT measures the sperm’s ability to find, bind, penetrate, and fertilize an egg.

SpermQT analyzes the dysregulation in the DNA methylation patterns of 1,200+ genes that are essential for sperm function.

Based on this measure, SpermQT categorizes the sperm as Excellent, Normal or Abnormal quality.

F&S Publication
White Paper

A Revolutionary Sperm Quality Test

A Deeper Dive into SpermQT

  • Different from DNA Fragmentation

    DNA Fragmentation identifies chromosomal breaks and is recommended in cases of recurrent pregnancy loss, whereas SpermQT looks at methylation profiles that modify gene function and is most useful in the initial male fertility workup.

  • Complementary to the standard semen analysis

    SpermQT, combined with the total motile count, provides a more accurate assessment of IUI success than the standard semen analysis alone.

  • Identifying subfertile men missed by the standard semen analysis

    4 out of 5 men with an Abnormal SpermQT result display normal semen analysis parameters, meaning those men are missed by the standard of care.

  • The ideal patient

    SpermQT is for patients considering IUI, experiencing failed IUIs, or who have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

  • Result categorization

    SpermQT categorizes sperm quality results as Excellent, Normal or Abnormal. These results are correlated with IUI success rates.

  • Cost & turnaround time

    The cost of the test is $385 and currently not accepted by insurance. The turnaround time is 2 weeks.

  • Lab accreditation

    SpermQT is validated in over 2,000 semen samples¹‚² and is run in a CLIA certified laboratory³.

More Science

How to Order

SpermQT is a physician-ordered test with two collection methods:

The Aliquot Kit: done in your andrology lab alongside the standard semen analysis

The At-home Kit: mailed directly to your patient’s home. Simply send us a requisition form to get started.

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    1. Path SpermQT White Paper;  Jenkins, Tim et al. “The impact of zinc and folic acid supplementation on sperm DNA methylation: results from the folic acid and zinc supplementation randomized clinical trial (FAZST).” Fertility and sterility vol. 117,1 (2022): 75-85. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.09.009
    2. Aston, Kenneth I et al. “Aberrant sperm DNA methylation predicts male fertility status and embryo quality.” Fertility and sterility vol. 104,6 (2015): 1388-97.e1-5. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.08.019; Jenkins TG, Aston KI, Meyer TD, et al. Decreased fecundity and sperm DNA methylation patterns. Fertil Steril. 2016;105(1):51-7.e73. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.09.013
    3. CAP/CLIA validation documents on file internally
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