Volume & Concentration: Millileters (mL) of your entire sample and how many million of sperm per mL
Motility: How your sperm are swimming which is necessary to reach and fertilize the egg
Total Motile Count: How many sperm in your sample are swimming – result of multiplying sample volume, concentration, and motility
Morphology: How your sperm are shaped
Sperm Age DNA analysis: Your sperm DNA is then analyzed and compared to a large set of population data to determine your “true” age.
Your habits and experiences can change your health, your fertility, and even your DNA.
Understanding the answer to these questions is important to understanding what you can do with your Path results.
Do you smoke? How often?
How often do you exercise? What’s your diet like?
Does your work expose you to radiation or toxins?
You, or you and your partner can think through your family goals, and you’ll receive a personalized family planning timeline.
When do you want to start trying?
How many kids would you like?
If you decide to change your goals, your Path timeline will change too.
Semen Analysis
Total motile count is regarded as the most important factor for male fertility.
Chronological Age
How many years since your birth.
Biological Age
Your sperm DNA test results will tell you how old your sperm is acting.
Personalized Timeline
We’ll combine your two ages with a timeline highlighting age associated fertility risks.
Layer in Your Lifestyle
Then we add in your lifestyle factors to help you optimize sperm health and reach your goals.