Our Story

Male Reproductive Health Education Matters

Male fertility is a women’s health issue. When men go undiagnosed, women go through treatment that will not work.

In 2018 we met Emily and Bronson, a young couple in their 20s trying to get pregnant. They had been trying for 2 years, had spent ~$80K on fertility treatments, and had been diagnosed with “unexplained infertility”.

Emily had gone through extensive and invasive testing and treatment while Bronson had simply provided a semen sample which was analyzed by microscopy (1950s technology) to count how many sperm were there, and how many were swimming.

We saw the gap in using old technology for diagnosing subfertility in men and decided to fill that gap with emerging new technology for assessing sperm biology and function – sperm epigenetics.

Two of our core values are curiosity and being data driven. Living these core values has led to the development of SpermQT, a breakthrough sperm quality test we launched in 2o22.

SpermQT identifies subfertile men who go undiagnosed by the standard semen analysis. Early and accurate diagnosis can reduce ineffective fertility treatments, lower costs, and enhance patient well-being by ensuring that the right fertility treatments are provided from the start.

We have tremendous empathy and compassion for our friends Emily and Bronson, and all of the 1 in 6 people who experience infertility.

Our greatest reward is hearing from patients about the difference our products are making in their fertility journey.

Meet Our Co-founders

Andy Olson

Co-founder & CEO

With extensive experience driving the development and emergence of novel biotechnologies, Andy has previously focused on technologies that improved the diagnosis of rare genetic diseases in children as well as molecular diagnostics for infectious disease testing.

Kristin Brogaard, PhD

Co-founder & CSO

Dr. Brogaard focused her doctorate work on the development of a novel epigenetic technology that allowed for a more accurate understanding of the role of chromatin in the regulation of genes.  She later supported the launch and growth of Arivale, a revolutionary new wellness company that combines cutting-edge science, personalized data, and tailored coaching to help clients optimize wellness and avoid disease.

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